Our mission is to revolutionize the way people enjoy reading books.

By combining literature with film via QR code technology, BTWN The Lines has taken the first step into the future of reading, while opening the door for struggling authors and young people from under-serviced communities.

How It Works…

(for authors)

1. We read through your existing novel and, with your assistance, carefully select the most captivating, powerful scenes from your book.

2. Our production team will adapt the selected scenes from your book into short video clips akin to scenes from a movie.

3. Once filmed and edited, the scenes are then inserted into your book via QR code technology.

4. We republish your book in its new “MovieBook” format incorporating multiple QR codes, that once scanned allow any reader to watch the events and characters in your book come to life by watching the filmed scenes.

What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?